Human always wish for something which they think, is suitable for them. Job, place or any other thing related to a moving body. Several times, i have seen people with complaints related to job satisfactions. But is there any definition of JOB, is there any specified ROLE for any particular human, is there any specific task allocated to someone eternally?
I don’t think so and it’s not possible, as here our subconscious mind will resist our opinion.
All are aware with a very famous one liner,” born genius is not a word for humans with brains”. Therefore, if this is true than we cannot say i have a particular task to do on this earth. So here is confusion. If one cannot have a particular role to perform than he should not ask for job satisfaction.
We have categorized people by their job, say role, or say the work they are doing but is it valid? And negative-positive factors we have generated because of the same condition. Better, say, we are used to see a person with some specified job, but it’s impossible sometimes. “Man should not cook”, I am just disagreeing with this sentence. We all are humans and we all need food than it is not compulsory for women to cook the food. Therefore, one who needs food should cook for himself. Why we all are dependant on some other person for something.
One technical person when joins some non-technical field, people will start criticizing him for that and will give him advice not to go for that field as it’s not proper work for a technical person. Here two different opinions occur in my mind. When one is dedicating his precious 4-5 years in technical field than practically he should not go for non-technical field but we all are emotional and emotionally there is not harm to join that field. We are working for our own basic needs. So if need is important than one should not think about the job satisfaction.
Every single task has its own motive and importance. Take an example of road sweeper, he is performing the worst job as per our categories but cleanliness is the most important thing for humans. So here again a controversy occurs.
But there is not solution one can find for this problem as the one who will try, will find him in the same situation so walk with the trend that’s it.