Life is a crystal with several pieces of situations, deeds, expectations, dreams, success, failures; but the main thing which provides a meaningful connection to these all is a line-called “line of mistake”. From every simple dotted line to a complex art picture, life is full of mistake and loop falls.
Being a human, I have learnt one thing from my experiences that one can’t be 100% successful or 100% failure, amount of % will show his/her imperfection and this imperfection is known as mistake. In his/her entire life, each day human learns new things, each day he passes through certain situations and output may be positive or may be negative. But you cannot categorize anything in a static category known as success or failure. Beginning is always painful as it will show you the amount of imperfection you have for a particular task and you can calculate your progress on the basis of mistakes you would face, extremeness of mistake you would make and the most importantly, the way you handle your mistakes.
God is a real magician and the way he handles one’s life is total surprising and really a thought provoking experience. He always gives bunch of opportunities to grow as a person, to be familiar with the dissimilarities you have, which make you different or better say unique in your own world. As far as self growth is concern, you always need a way, a method, a medium by which you can fill colours of perfection in your life; and that medium is called Mistake.
We always walk with a disliking factor for the word “mistake”, but mistake has its own importance in life. Success and failures (categories we have generated) are nothing but amount of positivity and negativity of a situation. When a baby learns how to walk, in initial few steps; he would hurt himself, but a point will come when he will be able to run. So from the failure to success, everything is a result of the mistake you make and the lessons you learn from it. When you lose; don’t lose the lesson.
As far as human nature is concern, we have our own safety zone that we have developed for ourselves and we always keep ourselves within those boundaries. We afraid of risks, we afraid of do something new, something difficult. We give importance to result then efforts. We give attentiveness more to failure then faith we have for ourselves. Mistakes are real teachers, which will guide us and show us the path we should follow. Mistakes are those cross roads from which we can divert our life from wrong path to the right.
“When we do something wrong, there are always two options: - either do it again and try change the result or take U-turn. U-turn is less risky and shorter but, you will remain at the place you were, with no progress. If you will keep moving, life will become hard then the harder but end of the day, you will have the best as a person you can ever have in this life. Always try to learn things from your dissimilarities and grow like a rising sun, rise slowly- shine slowly but the day will come when entire sky will have your brightness only.
That’s it.
- Maulik ( The One Man Army)