If I ask you to tell me the name of person with whom you can talk for hours, with whom you can share every single moment of your life anytime, in any situation than you will count lots of names but please concentrate on the word “ANYTIME”. Just think are you always feeling the same free and relaxed secured with the person you are talking about? Practically no. Sometimes a person feels, he is not comfortable while talking with a particular person and he avoids that person. Many times it happens that we can't talk properly with our family members, elders and younger too…
Some days back I was sitting with my friend and he was so much disturbed because of a fight with his dad…He was arguing that communication gap between my friend and his father is increasing day by day…That time I was just speechless because he was comparing communication between A son and his father. He was blaming his grandfather for the same. He was arguing that because of his grand father he and his father are upset and fighting. I reached home and got lost in thoughts…Was it a valid reason from him? Was his grand father only the reason? ”COMMUNICATION GAP” and “GENERATION GAP”…these two words are very much famous in youngsters today. Mom-dad resist me in the entire thing and it’s because of my grandfather. What he was trying to say is; His grandfather is very much narrow minded and so his father is. Generally our grand parents are having very different thinking and point of views with respect to us. It’s a common thing. Let me give you an example. Compare your self with a student who is studying in same school, same collage in which you were studying few years back. Compare your way of thinking with him and you will get the answer and reasons of such kind of variations and gaps.
He was arguing that he wants a big home a long car and his father is not interested because of his grandfather. His grand father argues in small things and because of his grandfather he is not getting things he actually wants and deserves. I was shocked when I heard this. It’s not a case of communication gap or generation gap. When I was taking tuition; several times it happened that my students were arguing and not agreeing with my points. They were having their own different thinking and views as compared to me. So it’s a case of different thinking rather than communication gap. What I think is your thinking and behavior is very much dependant on your surroundings, your friend circles. It’s very much reliable on life style you’re living.
Present is always well manufactured and well maintained than past. What you or I want in my future? Better life and better surroundings. What is the meaning of “better”. Its nothing but comparatively more matured and more flexible, more comfortable life with compare to the present life.
my friend’s wishes I think were because of his friend circle …May be his friends belong to high class family and because his father is not fulfilling his wishes he is not happy…I think he should not blame his father or grandfather for anything…We generally compare our present with someone’s present and compare our past with someone’s past…We can dream but we can’t say it’s must for you to fulfill my wishes…
Conclusion is we should live according to our culture not according to the trend…It may possible that your friend is not facing problems which you are facing but it doesn’t mean his family is better than yours…And yes a father is a bridge between grandfather and grandson…So its parent's duty to keep away their young ones from some family problems or better say misunderstandings…Because a baby will speak what he is listening…
That’s it….
Hello friends,
Every single coin has two sides with opposite meanings. You will never find similarities between two different things or same thing which belong to same category as far as world is concern. We have categorized ourselves in different categories and then I don’t understand why the hell we are blaming our societies for such things? Why we are arguing and complaining against such category?
As far as ASIA is concern most of the countries are having basic protocols of independence. A person is free and independent. He can speak, he can share, he can write, he can perform, he can show his thoughts and ideas without any kind of interruptions (On papers only). Than what is the reason of “HUMILIATION”? Do we know the exact definition of humiliation? We don’t. We have defined it for our own satisfaction.
Let me give an example of BOLLYWOOD. There are lots of issues regarding humiliations in past. In one particular movie if there is something regarding HINDU-MUSLIM than religious organizations will come in action. They will claim that director and other persons who are involved had caused them humiliation in that particular film. What is the basic purpose of entertainment? What is the basic of a film? Is there any use of such kind of documentaries? What they are trying to show? Realities? If directors or film makers will start directing movies on basis of what religious organization think, what they want them to make then there is no use of it. Motive of entertainment will disappear.
News published in DIVYA BHASKAR , “ an organization belong to some slum areas claimed that the film maker of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE had caused them significant humiliation, and called them dogs in the movie so they want justice. And ANIL KAPOOR and music director A R REHMAN also abused badly by them. Now their actual argue is “dog” is the word people generally use for them who are behaving like animal. And so movie maker have to say sorry and they will not allow them to release the film in India. Now if “dog” was only the reason of such kind of issue than there are lots of films in my memory, in which they have used this word so many times and broken numerous records and still people are crazy for those films. Why such organizations are partial? Where were they at that time? And now suddenly they realized and arguing. They should feel proud on REHMAN and they should thank them for first GOLDEN GLOB he secured for INDIAN film industry.
I remember few years back when FANNA was on calendar, AAMIR KHAN has given statement related to NARMADA project and FANNA is a past now and milestone for GUJARATI NEWS PAPERS. But in this care where are those basic rights Indian government has given to an Indian? He was free to say what he thinks and he is. Everyone is free to share his/her thoughts in INDIA and what was the reason? Humiliation? I don’t think so.(sorry if someone hurt by this paragraph, but I cant compromise with my thoughts as I am independent).
Scenario is, such organizations are blaming and shouting when someone is use a word like “DOG”, “DONKEY”, “MONKEY” for them, just imagine what will be the scenario when animals will start arguing on such issues? Yes but I am sure; their arguments will be more legal and acceptable than us-“THINKERS”.
That’s it.
Every single coin has two sides with opposite meanings. You will never find similarities between two different things or same thing which belong to same category as far as world is concern. We have categorized ourselves in different categories and then I don’t understand why the hell we are blaming our societies for such things? Why we are arguing and complaining against such category?
As far as ASIA is concern most of the countries are having basic protocols of independence. A person is free and independent. He can speak, he can share, he can write, he can perform, he can show his thoughts and ideas without any kind of interruptions (On papers only). Than what is the reason of “HUMILIATION”? Do we know the exact definition of humiliation? We don’t. We have defined it for our own satisfaction.
Let me give an example of BOLLYWOOD. There are lots of issues regarding humiliations in past. In one particular movie if there is something regarding HINDU-MUSLIM than religious organizations will come in action. They will claim that director and other persons who are involved had caused them humiliation in that particular film. What is the basic purpose of entertainment? What is the basic of a film? Is there any use of such kind of documentaries? What they are trying to show? Realities? If directors or film makers will start directing movies on basis of what religious organization think, what they want them to make then there is no use of it. Motive of entertainment will disappear.
News published in DIVYA BHASKAR , “ an organization belong to some slum areas claimed that the film maker of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE had caused them significant humiliation, and called them dogs in the movie so they want justice. And ANIL KAPOOR and music director A R REHMAN also abused badly by them. Now their actual argue is “dog” is the word people generally use for them who are behaving like animal. And so movie maker have to say sorry and they will not allow them to release the film in India. Now if “dog” was only the reason of such kind of issue than there are lots of films in my memory, in which they have used this word so many times and broken numerous records and still people are crazy for those films. Why such organizations are partial? Where were they at that time? And now suddenly they realized and arguing. They should feel proud on REHMAN and they should thank them for first GOLDEN GLOB he secured for INDIAN film industry.
I remember few years back when FANNA was on calendar, AAMIR KHAN has given statement related to NARMADA project and FANNA is a past now and milestone for GUJARATI NEWS PAPERS. But in this care where are those basic rights Indian government has given to an Indian? He was free to say what he thinks and he is. Everyone is free to share his/her thoughts in INDIA and what was the reason? Humiliation? I don’t think so.(sorry if someone hurt by this paragraph, but I cant compromise with my thoughts as I am independent).
Scenario is, such organizations are blaming and shouting when someone is use a word like “DOG”, “DONKEY”, “MONKEY” for them, just imagine what will be the scenario when animals will start arguing on such issues? Yes but I am sure; their arguments will be more legal and acceptable than us-“THINKERS”.
That’s it.
“PROGRESS”-the word we have defined with the help of the word “COMPARISON”.In this world of retrace, we generally use the word “COMPARISON”.No matter how good our present is, we always blame our past and will say “ah, it could have been better”…We generally compare our present with someone’s present and then we will blame our self for the thing which we have done in past…one sentence is there in my mind “ITIHAAS GAWAAH HAI”…When we talk about progress, We generally decide it on basis of present and then we will compare it with the past and finally conclusion will be numbers of weak points. ”SACHIN” didn’t play well in last 10 matches on this ground so he will not perform today as well. As he was not good at that time that doesn’t mean that he can not achieve it. We are dependent on the past, history…As far as India’s progress is concern we can’t compare it with AMERICA or JAPAN or other countries. We have secured unbelievable check points in countable years after 1947. A person generally compares his result with his classmate’s, his home with his neighbour’s, his designation with his colleague’s and if they are better in comparison to his own, he concludes that he is a looser or less intelligent with compare to other and his luck is poor. We believe in assumptions not efforts.
should follow the global definition of comparison but all are having their own different definition and meaning of word comparison. And all are following that whether it’s valid or not. We can’t compare two different persons as they are different by thinking, by way of living and the way they handle their situation is also different. Siblings can have many differences, even twin brother or sisters could be different by nature and by thinking, than you should not expect same result from both of them. But we can not afford this fact as far as human is concern, expectations are always high and comparison always……???.
So comparison is good but not with others. Always compare yourself with your past and you will find yourself much better and more effective than you were in past. Effort is a key to achievement. Even though our history books do not encompass much about our engineering works in the past, still the pace of recovery we have achieved after 1947 is unbelievable. Don’t count what you have, just think what next? What you want in your future disappointment of fulfillment. You can compare dissimilarities but you have to accept small differences between similarities. That’s it.
should follow the global definition of comparison but all are having their own different definition and meaning of word comparison. And all are following that whether it’s valid or not. We can’t compare two different persons as they are different by thinking, by way of living and the way they handle their situation is also different. Siblings can have many differences, even twin brother or sisters could be different by nature and by thinking, than you should not expect same result from both of them. But we can not afford this fact as far as human is concern, expectations are always high and comparison always……???.
So comparison is good but not with others. Always compare yourself with your past and you will find yourself much better and more effective than you were in past. Effort is a key to achievement. Even though our history books do not encompass much about our engineering works in the past, still the pace of recovery we have achieved after 1947 is unbelievable. Don’t count what you have, just think what next? What you want in your future disappointment of fulfillment. You can compare dissimilarities but you have to accept small differences between similarities. That’s it.
Hello Friends,
Where we are? What we are? Such questions are having uncountable answers and the person who is answering also not sure about the answer. Life is like this only. We all are a part of a community having so much dissimilarities, every single person is having his own rule and own way of thinking.
There is no space for humanity and global ethics of humanity as far as earth is concern. There are few things, which are too small for most of us, almost negligible, but they are actually not. Every day before a sleep, have you ever observed roads, societies, and your balcony? Try it .you will find them full of slum, full of plastic bags and the next morning you will surprisingly find your roads clean like they were never before. Is it a magic? Is there any natural power doing this? No. they are like us. They are RAG PICKERS.
So many of us are unaware with this name, with this community because they perform their job before sunrise. However, it’s not their duty to clean your road, is it? From where such garbage things come? From our home only. We are responsible for such kind of slum and it is our responsibility to clean our neighbourhood. I have observed so many times, around 8-10 years old boys and girls are doing such kind of job for negligible amount. But at the age I have mentioned is it valid to expect and accept such kind of jobs from them; which we have never done before in our life. Cunningness is they are poor of money but we are poor of mind. Poor of thinking.
We all are aware with the word hesitation and we all are having different definition of that word. And we have categorized everything with the help of such words. If we are responsible for something than it’s our duty to make it fine but we generally ignore such work and will hind it behind the word hesitation. Let’s take your own example. Observe your own desk, your own working table before a leave and observe it the next day. You will never find any kind of change over there as it’s your responsibility to clean it but you didn’t, you don’t and you will never clean it. Why we are running from our basic responsibility, why we are being burden for someone. Those children are having a bunch of dreams, which will never going to be true. And wise or otherwise we upper class societies are responsible for this.
A mother will never allow her child if he wants to play will dust, slum, and similar things belong to the same category. And they are belonging to a family. 8-10 years old boy or girl is having a mother with same thinking my mother has. Then why we are, behaving like blinds. Why don’t we stop them? Why they do not go to school. Why they are not having proper toys to play? Why they are happy with nothingness in their life? I don’t have answer and I guess no one is able to answer. Few days back I was watching a series “UTARAN” on television. I was impressed but I am after that single episode of that awesome series.
You guys will thing MAULIK always blame whole community for anything. But a chain should be linked properly and we all are a part of chain if a single break occurs then whole chain will be affected. I am not blaming you for anything but I am requesting you to do something. Not for them but at least for you. Just try to clean yourself with your surroundings. It is my humble request to you, to our community, to me. Never be just a viewer of your dream; try to be painter of it. This is what I believe and those RAG PICKERS with small brains are having dreams with no limits. Moreover, they deserve what day wish.
That’s it.
Where we are? What we are? Such questions are having uncountable answers and the person who is answering also not sure about the answer. Life is like this only. We all are a part of a community having so much dissimilarities, every single person is having his own rule and own way of thinking.
There is no space for humanity and global ethics of humanity as far as earth is concern. There are few things, which are too small for most of us, almost negligible, but they are actually not. Every day before a sleep, have you ever observed roads, societies, and your balcony? Try it .you will find them full of slum, full of plastic bags and the next morning you will surprisingly find your roads clean like they were never before. Is it a magic? Is there any natural power doing this? No. they are like us. They are RAG PICKERS.
So many of us are unaware with this name, with this community because they perform their job before sunrise. However, it’s not their duty to clean your road, is it? From where such garbage things come? From our home only. We are responsible for such kind of slum and it is our responsibility to clean our neighbourhood. I have observed so many times, around 8-10 years old boys and girls are doing such kind of job for negligible amount. But at the age I have mentioned is it valid to expect and accept such kind of jobs from them; which we have never done before in our life. Cunningness is they are poor of money but we are poor of mind. Poor of thinking.
We all are aware with the word hesitation and we all are having different definition of that word. And we have categorized everything with the help of such words. If we are responsible for something than it’s our duty to make it fine but we generally ignore such work and will hind it behind the word hesitation. Let’s take your own example. Observe your own desk, your own working table before a leave and observe it the next day. You will never find any kind of change over there as it’s your responsibility to clean it but you didn’t, you don’t and you will never clean it. Why we are running from our basic responsibility, why we are being burden for someone. Those children are having a bunch of dreams, which will never going to be true. And wise or otherwise we upper class societies are responsible for this.
A mother will never allow her child if he wants to play will dust, slum, and similar things belong to the same category. And they are belonging to a family. 8-10 years old boy or girl is having a mother with same thinking my mother has. Then why we are, behaving like blinds. Why don’t we stop them? Why they do not go to school. Why they are not having proper toys to play? Why they are happy with nothingness in their life? I don’t have answer and I guess no one is able to answer. Few days back I was watching a series “UTARAN” on television. I was impressed but I am after that single episode of that awesome series.
You guys will thing MAULIK always blame whole community for anything. But a chain should be linked properly and we all are a part of chain if a single break occurs then whole chain will be affected. I am not blaming you for anything but I am requesting you to do something. Not for them but at least for you. Just try to clean yourself with your surroundings. It is my humble request to you, to our community, to me. Never be just a viewer of your dream; try to be painter of it. This is what I believe and those RAG PICKERS with small brains are having dreams with no limits. Moreover, they deserve what day wish.
That’s it.

These days Indians are suffering from unwanted death, unwanted disasters, and unwanted atmosphere. And most of the countries are facing the same situations. TV, radio, public places, and parliaments, political parties all are suffering wise or otherwise. All are blaming each other “public ->politics-> rival parties->media and management” whole hierarchy is suffering but no one is trying to find out the reason and solution. Terrorists and terrorism these two words are highly abused by world these days. We all are part of a clock where we are minute’s hand life is second’s hand and every moment we are trying hard to catch life. This race is the main reason of the occurrence of the word “dissatisfaction”.
What is terrorism? It is a part of this world. It’s a dissimilarity created by world, created by public, created by rule of nature. The main reason is “I AM” rule, “I AM” thinking. We are aware with cake and aware with birthday parties. In party what we generally do? We cut the cake and distribute it. But in that one will try to secure major part for him, the biggest piece of cake for him.We enjoy last sip of soft drink with the same desperation; with the same dissatisfaction. I want more;i want more is the reason of this dissimilarity called terrorism. We humans are same as far as life and death is concern, as far as circle of life is concern but our thinking matters.
Expectation and dissatisfaction these two words are the main reasons of such unwanted things. No one is ready to compromise. Earth originally was a stone but we had distributed it because of that I AM rule. Religions, caste, rules, distributions so many things are probable reasons of such events.
When you are handling a country with population of 1100 million then you have to be ready to face 1100 million expectations and solutions. You should not think about vote bank and other things. Look, one thing very common and simple “NO ONE CAN ENTER IN YOUR HOUSE(HOME) WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION”, its only can possible if you are sleeping or they are intentionally invited. This was not the first time was have faced such attack but the situation is still same. Still they are thinking “PUBLIC KA KYA HAI? PEHLE CHILLAYENGE-FIR THAK JAYENGE-FIR BHUL JAYENGE”.
Wise or otherwise we all are responsible and if we have categorized them as terrorists than i must say we also belong to same category. We all are a part of an organization created by god or any natural power and we all are having some protocols to follow. There is nothing like destiny or NASEEB, its all about how we live our life and again our way of thinking matters.
Roadside, bus stops, railway station, home, public places, holy places; every where we all are trying to secure a piece of land for us, but we all are a part of static-dynamic life cycle. We can not have anything permanent with us. What will they get if they kill us? And what will we lose if we won’t resist? These two questions are hidden solutions of problems.
A just born baby is not having any particular caste or protocol to live. And we all are child of that natural power. So all we can do is self security.We should have our own rule and own ways to live and chase our life.THE JUNGLE rule is the solution. Kill to save your life. God has made a house called earth; we have to put some efforts to make it home a sweet home.There is no space for second chance so keep trying. Either live the race or just leave the race. That’s it.
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