Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hello friends,
Every single coin has two sides with opposite meanings. You will never find similarities between two different things or same thing which belong to same category as far as world is concern. We have categorized ourselves in different categories and then I don’t understand why the hell we are blaming our societies for such things? Why we are arguing and complaining against such category?
As far as ASIA is concern most of the countries are having basic protocols of independence. A person is free and independent. He can speak, he can share, he can write, he can perform, he can show his thoughts and ideas without any kind of interruptions (On papers only). Than what is the reason of “HUMILIATION”? Do we know the exact definition of humiliation? We don’t. We have defined it for our own satisfaction.
Let me give an example of BOLLYWOOD. There are lots of issues regarding humiliations in past. In one particular movie if there is something regarding HINDU-MUSLIM than religious organizations will come in action. They will claim that director and other persons who are involved had caused them humiliation in that particular film. What is the basic purpose of entertainment? What is the basic of a film? Is there any use of such kind of documentaries? What they are trying to show? Realities? If directors or film makers will start directing movies on basis of what religious organization think, what they want them to make then there is no use of it. Motive of entertainment will disappear.

News published in DIVYA BHASKAR , “ an organization belong to some slum areas claimed that the film maker of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE had caused them significant humiliation, and called them dogs in the movie so they want justice. And ANIL KAPOOR and music director A R REHMAN also abused badly by them. Now their actual argue is “dog” is the word people generally use for them who are behaving like animal. And so movie maker have to say sorry and they will not allow them to release the film in India. Now if “dog” was only the reason of such kind of issue than there are lots of films in my memory, in which they have used this word so many times and broken numerous records and still people are crazy for those films. Why such organizations are partial? Where were they at that time? And now suddenly they realized and arguing. They should feel proud on REHMAN and they should thank them for first GOLDEN GLOB he secured for INDIAN film industry.

I remember few years back when FANNA was on calendar, AAMIR KHAN has given statement related to NARMADA project and FANNA is a past now and milestone for GUJARATI NEWS PAPERS. But in this care where are those basic rights Indian government has given to an Indian? He was free to say what he thinks and he is. Everyone is free to share his/her thoughts in INDIA and what was the reason? Humiliation? I don’t think so.(sorry if someone hurt by this paragraph, but I cant compromise with my thoughts as I am independent).
Scenario is, such organizations are blaming and shouting when someone is use a word like “DOG”, “DONKEY”, “MONKEY” for them, just imagine what will be the scenario when animals will start arguing on such issues? Yes but I am sure; their arguments will be more legal and acceptable than us-“THINKERS”.
That’s it.

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