"If you say you are happy, you must know the meaning of pain.."
Life is not what we have faced, life is more about how much we have chased. In the circle of life we all are links in a chain called the emotional bond. No one can ever live without sadness in their life. From every delightful birth to every merciless death; tears, pain, emotions; we will have all of them. There are always two sides, two phases; you will have in your life, Failure with success, problem with solution and happiness with sadness. Having an emotional soul is not a weakness, but it is toughness, it is an achieve-ment and an inner strength.
What is happiness? What is sadness? Life is like a book and all its phases-birth, maturity, adult-hood, happiness, sadness, pain, deaths etc; that we ex-perience are chapters of that book. The sequence of chap-ters may differ for everyone and may be the contents too, but there is no partiality in the chapters of the book. All will have to go through every single chapter. It may be possible that one will have a chapter of sadness in the beginning; other will have it at the end, but all will go through it for sure. So patience is a virtue and positive thinking is a must.
History says those who have utilized their internal pain in a positive direction have created history. Almost all legen-dary poets have had a dark past in their earlier life or in second half.
Great singers, musicians, painters have used their pain, agony in a positive way and today they all have secured space on the pages of golden history of earth.
Why do we take our life so seriously, why do we worry for the future which is so uncertain? Money, fame, suc-cess, and failure; these all come momentarily. But the rat-race for these results in what? Sleepless nights? tension & stress? Maddening recklessness!
And then we will seek and question, we go to spiritual GURUS who will apparently guide us in the direction where one fine day we shall attain peace and calm. It sounds funny.
Isn‘t it? Don‘t we have our own wisdom? Can‘t we create our own path to decide something for ourselves? Why have we cate-gorized our achievements as failure and suc-cess? Can‘t we accept it in the way they come?
I don‘t know why we all are afraid of the final result. Why we all wish for a positive result always? An achievement has no definition, no category, whatever you secure; whatever you gain; failure or success, it‘s undoubtedly an achievement. A failure is nothing but an unwanted output of some extreme inputs, but it doesn‘t mean that failures are always bad or bring dark half with them. Failure also brings another chance, another op-portunity and another hope for a successful sunrise.
So accept the situation in whatever way it comes. There is nothing which is good or bad for you, it‘s only your way of thinking which makes it so. Tomorrow is a brighter sunrise after a dark night of all situations, ei-ther good or bad. Today will die when tomorrow will be born and it would bring rays of happiness along with clouds of sadness and rest of the things will depend upon you and how you deal with them. This too shall pass!
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