“Somehow I managed to break the egg,
But mercilessly he threw me in the cage,
I was blind; I painted my destiny with colorless water,
My destiny remained blank and so is the page.
Then I went to the mirror,
To find the person I wanted to see,
Mirror smiled weirdly and asked me a question,
Oh! Poor shadow, are you the person you wanted to be?
Dream is something that is achievable and not acceptable. Rewind your life and recall all those days when you were studying harder for your board exams. What was the motive behind that hard work? I am sure, you have had a reason; an ultimate goal to achieve and I am sure that GOAL was the motive, the reason, wasn’t it? Now just compare your present with that ultimate goal that you had in your mind during your 10th board exams and just ask yourself: - Are you the person you wanted to be?
Think when you were a kid, though your goals were limited but they were achievable, though your dreams were restricted but they were achievable. Think, when you were a kid, everything was possible. You climbed up the trees and the walls, not knowing that you might fell but you made it. What was the reason? Was it because of your goals or the limited dreams? No… You made it because of originality, because of honesty, because of faith you kept in your efforts and in yourself. You were so focused, so desperate, so stubborn; and that is why everything was achievable. but, what happened after then? As you became adult, things seems to be more different and difficult. Why? What was the reason? I will ask you again: - “are you the person you wanted to be?”
Maturity Is Like A Flower. A growing baby is as helpless as a caterpillar moving in the flower. He/she has to learn how to fly before the flower winds up all the petals; petals of social expectations, petals of family responsibilities. Life will never allow you or that baby to live the wished life, ultimate dream, the life you have decorated. The flower will try all hard to kill you as an individual; it will try hard to destroy your originality. My dear friend, just try to learn flying, just find your wings; wings of passion, wings of belief, wings of confidence, wings of faith in you, just find it before the flower indentifies your weaknesses.
We all live an eraser’s life; from the day we born, we start accepting and fulfilling the expectations of our society, we start rubbing the originality by just overlooking what we want and by concentrating on what they want... Why? Why we are so weak at making decisions, why are we so helpless as far as social expectations are concerned? Why we are so dull as far as our life changing goals are concerned? If you feel, you are not the person you wanted to be than gain the character, incarnate the personality you have ever wished your soul to be and try to be the person you wanted to be and you want to see in the mirror every day. Do not compromise as far as your expectations towards your life are concerned, do not compromise as far as your dreams that you have decorated are concerned. One cannot have two ways as far as path of life is concerned, one should not have two paths as far as individual life is concerned.
There are two kinds of persons my dear friend; it’s up to us to choose one of them. One of the kinds is P-pessimist, e-egotistical, r-rigid, s-slipshod, o- orphan, n- narrow minded and the other kind is P-Passionate, e-energetic, r- resilient, s-survivor, o- optimistic, n- negligent; You can chose either of these. One is the easiest to be but the toughest to justify and the other one is the toughest to be but justification can be avoided, adjustments are scope less.
We always get attracted by super hero movies. We just love the way they jump, fly, fight; their characteristics just blow us away. But we easily gain satisfaction by watching them in the movie. We carry the feel. There is something which attracts us towards such movies, isn’t it? What is that? Can you figure out?... abilities and qualities that we have ever wished and we are wishing to have in us but we often avoid the adoption of their power and abilities. Why can’t we adopt their qualities? Why can’t we adopt their abilities? SPIDERMEN climbs on the wall so easily, what quality we should adopt from him? Just stick to your goal, no matter whatever the condition is. We get thrilled by BATMAN ‘s appearance in the dark; what quality we should adopt from him? Stay focused on the goal no matter whether it is day or the night; concentrate on your ultimate destination even if the situations are foggy or visionless. SUPERMAN blows us along with him when he flies flawlessly to rescue the people; what quality we should seize from him? No matter what height are you at, just keep balancing and rush towards the goal, But instead of doing all these, we see such movies just for the sake of enjoyment and entertainment.
We usually learn things from what we see, we never try to personify the character we want rather we try to adjust with what society is expecting from us. We start doing adoption and adjustment with our goals, our dreams, our expectations, our destinations, our focus, and our commitments. The old we grow, the more we erase our originalities. We start covering ourselves by the blanket of conditions and restrictions created or better say decided by the society. Why can’t we have anything in our destiny with no condition? Why can’t we have unconditional love, unconditional achievements, unconditional wishes, unconditional responsibilities, unconditional respect and above everything unconditional life. In my journey of 25 years, I have experienced, gained and seen everything with at least a condition. I have had a reason and right to decorate, divert and dream my life in the way I wished, but I couldn’t just because of this “CONDITIONS APPLIED” tag.
We are the gardeners of our own tree called life. We should and we must water the plant with all the values that we want in us. We can be a gold coin; the more he melts the more value we could gain. We can be an iron bar; the more he hammers the more strength we could gain. We can be a cast bar, no matter in what way and with what he cuts it, eventually it results in a statue with values, but rather being all these, we always prefer to be like water, we easily adopt the situation we come across, we easily adjust to the situation, we let the situation to change our size, shape, color and quality. We are the most adjustable souls. Why?... I don’t know…
It’s better to live than late. Wake up and before you do so, dream big, dream something original, decorate yourself, ask yourself again and again the same question:- “ are you the person you wanted to be?” and find the answer, I am sure the answer would be negative, if it is, then reciprocate and find the qualities and the abilities you have ever wished to have in you as a person. Try to gain it. Be original, neglect conditions, tear the blanket of conditions and live an unconditional life, try to cherish the unconditional happiness, try to get the unconditional love. Try it…give it a try… keep doing it… as you are still answerable to my question: - “Are you the person you wanted to be?”
Think about it.
~Maulik Trivedi
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