Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blinks Of Darkness!!

The crowded road is being observed by two anonymous annoyed eyes. The colourless shadows are intersecting each other’s ways. The mirage on the road is being crushed by timeless souls rushing towards the nothingness. I am the white dashed line separating the two opposites from each other.

Darkness is knocking doors of sparkles of my eyes. Every sunset is not the shine of stars but dark of the moon. I am not dealing with any unwanted situation; neither with people nor with life but with my own mindless heart and heartless mind.

I have always believed that I am the luckiest soul surrounded by millions of pure souls ready to support me for any bad or good. I have had a reason to feel proud of being a listener for people. I have had a reason to feel happy for the consideration I was cherishing from my surroundings. But, sometimes it’s not about how worthy are you, it’s sometimes about where exactly you are standing. For example, zero is worth if placed after digit one and not before.

Not always people, whom you find uncontrollable, sometimes it’s your own soul that irritates you. Trust me, the most difficult person you have to deal with on this earth is your own soul; you own subconscious. You cannot be a listener of your own problem. Just try and sit alone in an isolated room you will face the real of your character. No matter how hard you attempt to portray your image in front of world, end of the day it makes you feel scary in aloneness. That is why mirrors show us exact opposite of what we try too see. That It Why The Call It Mirror (Me--err)
~Maulik Trivedi

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