Saturday, September 27, 2008 3 comments


Human always wish for something which they think, is suitable for them. Job, place or any other thing related to a moving body. Several times, i have seen people with complaints related to job satisfactions. But is there any definition of JOB, is there any specified ROLE for any particular human, is there any specific task allocated to someone eternally?

I don’t think so and it’s not possible, as here our subconscious mind will resist our opinion.
All are aware with a very famous one liner,” born genius is not a word for humans with brains”. Therefore, if this is true than we cannot say i have a particular task to do on this earth. So here is confusion. If one cannot have a particular role to perform than he should not ask for job satisfaction.

We have categorized people by their job, say role, or say the work they are doing but is it valid? And negative-positive factors we have generated because of the same condition. Better, say, we are used to see a person with some specified job, but it’s impossible sometimes. “Man should not cook”, I am just disagreeing with this sentence. We all are humans and we all need food than it is not compulsory for women to cook the food. Therefore, one who needs food should cook for himself. Why we all are dependant on some other person for something.

One technical person when joins some non-technical field, people will start criticizing him for that and will give him advice not to go for that field as it’s not proper work for a technical person. Here two different opinions occur in my mind. When one is dedicating his precious 4-5 years in technical field than practically he should not go for non-technical field but we all are emotional and emotionally there is not harm to join that field. We are working for our own basic needs. So if need is important than one should not think about the job satisfaction.

Every single task has its own motive and importance. Take an example of road sweeper, he is performing the worst job as per our categories but cleanliness is the most important thing for humans. So here again a controversy occurs.

But there is not solution one can find for this problem as the one who will try, will find him in the same situation so walk with the trend that’s it.
Saturday, September 20, 2008 1 comments


Life always comes in wrong way; this is what common thinking of a human. We humans are made up of feelings, sentiments and lots of emotions. But when we join a different environment we face confused state with lots of difficulties to set ourselves with the present environment. It happens with almost all of us. And in such situations we will hide our originality. Many times I have seen people with dual personalities, two mind states, lots of confusion but its human nature. one can not be original with new environment when he/she is at beginning stage and one will start hiding his/her weaknesses, dissimilarities and I can say originality.

And when such situation occurs, he will not be able to balance himself with the present and that’s the most critical situation I can say. When he will enter in the organization or say new environment he will start behaving in very formal way or say improper way or say different way. Let’s take an example:

One of my friends mailed me his problem that he has recently joined some organization and he is facing the same situation I have mentioned above. He is extreme introvert and he is behaving as he is damn extrovert. And he is facing so many problems by this. His image is totally different from his actual or say original image in his organization and one should be original as far as professional world is concern. He is depressed and can not sleep as well. But it’s normal thing as per my opinion. When a baby born, baby will cry a lot in first few days and than baby will balance the situation .but when he will move to some other environment he/she will face the same situation he has faced previously.

But problem comes momentarily in life so either live it or leave it, that’s the only solution I have. And one more thing when days are going harder in life never say “WHY ME GOD” always say “TRY ME GOD”, that is the best way to face the life and success will surely kiss your legs one day.
That’s it.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 0 comments

Dilapidated Feelings!!!

Hello friends,
After a long time I am here to share something with you people my respected readers and motivators.
sometimes-in life a person performs dual personality and in such situation, he cannot differentiate which is the original one. Sometimes we disparately want something and something inside us will resist us to do that.
Let me give one particular name to both the personality.

ARDENT FEELINGS-this person is desperate and cannot wait for proper time
CLEVERNESS-This person is intelligent and always thinks before a step

Now I am trying to put a conversation between these two persons in front of you. Ardent feelings are forcing the person to express his thoughts in front of his love and cleverness is resisting him to do that and asking for some time. Love is the word every single person aware with. However, when two souls fall in love, both should have good understanding. But love is becoming sophisticated and formal day by day. If both have same thinking with feelings in heart, that it is a fertile situation. But it’s a rare case. Now days one is having an ARDENT FELINGS and Other Is HAVING CLEVERNESS. One soul only can think by heart and other can think by brain only. In such situation problem occurs. Love is not allowed in our culture and religion is locked in temple, mosque, and church because of this reason.

Sometimes I can hear conversation between my conscious and sub conscious mind. Let me compare conscious mind with cleverness and sub conscious mind with Ardent Feeling. Here is the conversation.

ARDENT FEELINGS: - go there right now!
CLEVERNESS:-Do not do that. You should not go there.
ARDENT FEELINGS: - Go and tell her I LOVE YOU!
CLEVERNESS: - she will take it in wrong way.Dont go!
ARDENT FEELINGS:-I do not care. Now I cannot wait.
CLEVERNESS:-Do not get frustrated. It is not advisable.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-But How long I should wait?
CLEVERNESS:-It will spoil your image.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-I do not care.
CLEVERNESS: - what about people around? What will they think?
ARDENT FEELINGS:-give them a damn.
CLEVERNESS:-Are you mad? Relax and think before a step. It is not beneficial.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-Benefit is not a word for love.
CLEVERNESS: What about your reputation.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-I do not care about my reputation.
CLEVERNESS:-You will become a looser.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-I will accept the situation without an argue.
CLEVERNESS:-you will feel guilt in future for sure my friend.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-It is ok. Let me die once. Its painful .I am dying day by day.
CLEVERNESS:-Please wait for proper time please.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-No, I do not have energy now.
CLEVERNESS:-wait for some time. For long time, benefit.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-don’t I have right to do what I want to do?
CLEVERNESS:-Think about your future.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-Ok.I will wait for some time.
CLEVERNESS:-Good.You are intelligent .Aren’t you?
ARDENT FEELINGS:-is this intelligence? You think so.
CLEVERNESS:-wait and watch. What will you get my dear friend?
ARDENT FEELINGS:-But, listen to me at least.
CLEVERNESS:-No I do not want to listen your argues anymore. Just wait and watch I say.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-Wait for what? What you want me to show?
CLEVERNESS:-You do not worry and relax. I will handle everything.
ARDENT FEELINGS:-“EVERYTHING” means what? I have lost my “EVERYTHING” along with her long time back.
Have a look around you. You will find numbers of dilapidated buildings inside a dead heart. A person should have Ardent feelings otherwise, he will become a dead body. Practically he is alive but he cannot move. He will become motionless. Ardent feeling is a looser and cleverness has habit to win the game. Consolation is a mixture of ointment with some ego.
For better future, friendship is most important need between ardent feelings and cleverness, if it is possible than the word war will disappear from the dictitionary.We all are living in world of technology. We now have enough space to share our feelings along with some cleverness on the world of internet. So think about you ardent feelings with your cleverness before a step.That’s it.
Friday, August 15, 2008 0 comments

हम आजाद नहीं है!!!नहीं है हम आजाद !!

आज़ादी क्या है यह आज़ादी...पता है किसी को यहाँ? कल हर गली हर चोराहे पर तिरंगा लहेराते हुए आजाद भारत के वीर पुरुषों को देख के ऐसा लगेगा के देश भावना तो सिर्फ हिंदुस्तान में ही है...पर फिर क्या हो जाता है हमें...इंसानों को...क्या हम आजाद है ? यह सवाल अपने आप को कभी किया है? देश का अर्थतंत्र हाथ में होने से कोई देस आजाद नहीं कहलाता...हम आजाद हुए नहीं है बस बनाया गया है...सिर्फ on papers हम आजाद है...क्या है आज़ादी? कैसी आज़ादी...गांधीजी जिंदाबाद कहने वाले जितने भी है यहाँ अपने आपको देखो के तुम कितने हिन्दुस्तानी हो? रंग दे बसंती देख के राजनीती को गली देने वाला आज का हिन्दुस्तानी युवा dhan यह भूल गया है कीसी भी चीज़ को हांसिल करके उसको आगे तक ले जाना होता है...दादा की जगह पापा और उनकी जगा बेटा लेता है...पर यहाँ तो हिन्दू मुसलमान है इंसान कोई नहीं है...राम रहीम जिसुस सब एक ही है ऐसा कहने वाले धर्मगुरु की भाषा बोलने वाले आज के हुन्दुस्तानिओं को यह याद रहना चाहिए की पहले वोह देश के है उसके बाद अपने सोसाइटी के...राम मंदिर हमारा है...बाबरी मस्जिद हमारी है...ज़मीन के टुकडो के लिए एकदूसरे को मारने में मशगुल लोग भूल गए है की वोह हिन्दुस्तानी है...क्या राम मंदिर हुन्दुस्तान में नहीं है? क्या बाबरी मस्जिद हिंदुस्तान में नहीं है? किसने लिख दिया है की हिंदुस्तान में सिर्फ हिन्दू रहने चाहिए...अगर सब इंसान बनके रहे तो कोई भी रह सकता है...में खुद हिन्दू ब्रह्मिन हूँ तो क्या में तलवार लेके निकल पडू मरने सबको..."कुल हु अल्लाह हु अहद अल्लाह हु समद लम यालिद वलं युलाद वलं यक्कुलाहू कुफुवन अहद "किसने सिखाया मुझे मुसलमान ने? नहीं एक इंसान जो इस्लाम को समजता है इसका मतलब यह नहीं है की वोह राम में भरोसा नहीं करता...आज़ादी आज़ादी आज़ादी साल में दो दिन बस तिरंगा लेकर निकल पड़ेंगे हिन्दुस्तानी लोग...देश बदल गया है सोच नहीं बदली...

आतंकवादी कौन है? इंसान है और इंसान ही रहेगा...अगर राम को सिर्फ हिन्दूओ से प्यार होता तो वोह ऐसा जहाँ बनता जहा सिर्फ हिन्दू हो और कोई नहीं...अगर अल्लाह को सिर्फ मुसलमानों से प्यार होता तो ऐसा जहाँ बनाते जहाँ सिर्फ मुसलमान हो...कभी ऐसे जहाँ के बारे में सोच के देखना जहा सब एक जैसे हो...एक सी सोचवाले हों॥सोच बदलती है तोही देश आगे बढ़ता है... हिंदुस्तान को आतंकवादी ओ से ज्यादा ज़ख्म हम खुद देते है और मन के ज़ख्म कभी नहीं भरेंगे...निकालो इस छोटी सोच से तोही देश आगे बढेगा वरना बम तो फूटेंगे ही और लोग तो मरेगे ही फिर गिनते रहना कितने हिन्दू मरे कितने मुसलमान... किसीके सामने मुस्कुराओगे तोही कोई मुस्कुराएगा...कुछ बोलने से बेहतर है कुछ करो...चोदो यह हिन्दू-मुस्लिम की बातें और इंसान बनके देखो।जन्नत और जहन्नुम दोनों ही किस्मत से मिलते है...जिंदगी की सायकिल चलाने केलिए दो पहिये चाहिए और दोनों एक जैसे होने चाहिए तो ही सायकिल चलेगी और तोही देश चलेगा...और देश के नेताओ को अब यह बात समाज नि चाहिए की BJP या कांग्रेस या लेफ्ट या सपा सभी पब्लिक की बनाये हुए मिटटी के घर है अगर वोह नहीं सुधरे ना नव-निर्वाण का ऐसा सुनामी आयेगा जो सब को ले डूबेगा...बस और कुछ कहने की मेरी हेसियत नहीं है...और अपने विचार लिखने जितनी आज़ादी तो मुझे नसीब होनी ही चाहिए...यहाँ पे कही ऐसे FREEDOM FIGHTERS है जिनको मेरी इस सोच से प्रॉब्लम होगा...पर मुझे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता...
thank you,
एक इंसान
जो हिंदुस्तान जैसे महान देश में छोटी सोच वाले समाज का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा है
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 0 comments


Good morning friends...
Last night when I was hugging my bed sheet I was lost in thoughts...I was thinking about my tomorrow means today...but I was not sure about my presence...I was not so sure than yes tomorrow I will open my eyes surely...may be I will die...but I was not scared I was bit confused...confused about age...confused about unequal life times...
Yesterday I heard about Late.ISHMIT SINH a famous single contestant and winner of STAR VOICE OF INDIA,2007...He passed away...he drowned in to the pool in MALDIVS...I am sure he was unaware of his death...death was standing next to him...what I want to convey is why we all are running from DEATH... we all know than one day we have to face this situation but then why we are behaving like this...Half of the life we are running for our goal and when we come to know that death is only the truth we start running in opposite direction...
Friend’s life is always’s our nature...we cannot accept the thing when it will come in unwanted way...Life always appears as a cheater:-

"जिंदगी हर मोड़ पे सवाल नए देती है ,

जब जवाब हम ढूंढ ते है वोह सवाल बदल देती है !

But we should accept the facts...let’s talk about a rain much he can its journey from cloud to land drop lives life at fullest and when it pours on you still you will feel such a small ignorable life, drop lives each and every single moment...then why we cant...we all are very lucky to have a life with so many years...but from the birth to death we humans think about death...
In short when you are here as a active creature you will have time till you will end your role... when role is over, it's all over...than we should think about effectiveness of our role we should not think about the darkness of our end...
That’s it...

here is a poem on the life of a rain drop...


I jumped in the air from those black clouds,
I become rain drop without any proud,
My extreme speed was because of gravity,
And a leaf was waiting to hold me...

And I became a drop of dew,
My role was too short and moments were few,
I fallen off from the leaf to a girl's face,
And that was the critical part of the chase...

And I became a drop of tear,
Certainly my life became tear, pain and a result of fear,
Gravitational force was still so effective,
And my ignorable life was becoming so hectic...

And again a free fall towards the land,
And my life disappeared inside the soften sand,
Fortunately it was the bank of river,
And I become a part of stream...

I was running towards my world,
The place where I born as a drop of water,
I was a part of infinite sea,
And m still running, thinking of my new life...
Different characters you have to play,
You have to move on you cannot stay,
Sun to moon and moon to sun,
Life is moving on with unstoppable run...

This is a circle of life,
Life and death are check points of it,
Life is second hand and you are hour hand,
You have to run behind to prove your feat...
Monday, July 28, 2008 0 comments

Love V/s Lust!!!

Good evening friends...
yesterday was parents day and to be very frank that relation is only the relation I believe is true...but the era is changed and so values of relations too...I am sure most of the people are unaware with parents day but I am sure they are eagerly waiting for friendship day...But you know we can’t say it’s a fault or something...It’s human nature...and its rule of nature that you have to walk with the world if you want to survive...Mother-ah if I will describe this word than I won’t be able to stop myself for thousands of next coming years...but we are trend followers...
We have changed the definition of word “love”...have you ever observed what happen when a oil drop pour in a water bucket? You can easily differentiate them same scene has created by humans now days...There is a thin line between love and lust and we all have crossed it...
What is the meaning of I LOVE YOU... what if I am not there with you, still you can feel me around you, just touch the land and you will find my foot prints, just take a deep breath and you will find me in blossom, just think about the person who loves you and you will see me, my love physical presence is not important for me, attachment matters...I still can hug you in moon light still can feel you on lonely road...still I can feel sweaty hand of yours when wind touches me.... my love be with me either as memory or as love walk with me either as wind or as mirage...dear only thing I want from you is love...this is love...but today physical attraction is base of love and then step by step every limits will be destroyed by true lovers(so called)...

Sometimes I feel why we are behaving like this...if a single or two person did it than ok we can say its fault but majority lovers are following this trend so we should think about it...We have to give importance to parents rather than one can fall in love with someone with a look or a eye’s practically impossible one cannot judge a person by his/her looks or physical structure..Have you ever say “mom! I love you” .even I have never said. then why one can easily say to a girl after negligible 2-3 years of relationship...

In short, if you want to be a part of this world than you should not have your unique valid ethics you have to break the doors if you want to enter in the home...That's it...
Friday, July 4, 2008 0 comments


Sometimes in your life you find situations where you have lots of options but actually all are useless...Like you are standing on a cross road with lots of directions but all directions are closed with a board “NO ENTRY”.
In my life I have faced such situations several times and every single time I have found my self with a same question now what should I?
But this is life...this situation is actually not a problem but instability of our mind...We always believe in options...
Take a simple example,
we fashion believers often go to clothes shop , we will ask for so many patterns colours and brands and then we will find our self confused...We will try to find a perfect match with brand, colour and pattern...And it happens every single time with us...
Mobiles, bikes, televisions and many more...In fact in every single selection we face this situation...A girl or a boy when ask by his parents for his marriage he/she will explain his Mr/miss perfect and his parents will find numbers of best match according to the description but then worst phase will come when they will ask for selection they will confusedly say ah that not my type girl or boy...And at last they will reject all of them with finding something un wanted in the person...
One funny scene I have observed numbers of time...We generally go to our relatives place for meeting. There they will offer numbers of items but we will go for selective ones, in fact in their own family people are not interested in that ignored item by us. I always find myself confused when I go to CD shop and always come with empty hands with a reason “AH HE DOESN’T HAVE NEW RELEASES”.
But why this happens to us? Why are we unsatisfied all the time?
Well, I don’t have answer or may be I am confused with numbers of reasons but the thing is we all are sailing the same boat so I am not expecting answer from any one among you...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 0 comments



Many times in your life you have faced a situation when you are trying for something and next moment you realize after so many efforts u are failed. This situation is faced by many of us. But we never ever try to find out the reason. Apart of that we will blame our destiny.
Before a baby born parents are very eager to know baby is boy or girl. And then such blaming begins.
Step by step this situation becomes more critical and one day we will say ah it’s all because of my destiny.
And destiny is not only a thing, when ever failure kisses our leg we will say this person or that person is responsible for that and when you gain success you will say it’s my own achievement. Sometimes god, sometimes time, sometimes parents, sometimes destiny.
Most of us know driving and on road we have seen several times that when accident occurs both the party will start blaming each other and at the end both will say m day was responsible or because I saw his/her face in morning I am suffering, or because of black cat but we never accepting our faults.
The fact is we all are running from the reality, from failure, from weekness.why should I tell him/her that I don’t know this or that? And at final breath will say ah I want to live more but god wants me to be with him.
If after a read reader will suffer he/she will start blaming on me, on my literature, on my knowledge.
That’s it...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 1 comments

As a poet !!!

We people always have some opinions with us…As a poet I have experienced lots of criticism…One thing I observed is people always think that what ever written is not sufficient and could have been better….this sentence forcing me to thing about something….One more experience I like to share…In your life you have faced this situation…If you are doing something different side by side your studies you will get enough criticism…When I started poetry people said what is poetry….Its a rubbish thing and total time pass…some of my friends said “DEVDAAS”…Means the thing is no one on this is earth can figure out the thing, the source , actual thing which is there inside you…You only can feel, can read, can see the thing with actual originality…When I read comments in mine or some other post like I can feel the emotions or depth it seriously make me think that is it possible to feel the same feeling? A poet or writer only can feel or achieve the depth …a reader can try but result will never be 100%...Different minds have different way of thinking and different way of observation…So it always some differences in the understanding of a thought…That’s it…

the word-"Expectation"

In our life we all are living with thousands of wish around us. Sometimes someone’s wish becomes expectation for us. I am so much inspired by the word expectation. When you are not so matured or in teen age you parents wants maturity from you, when you are known as elder your parents expect support from you. But such are called duties but what about other directions.We are going through the tempo of cricket tournament between INDIA and AUSTRALIA, players are playing well because of expectations, selectors have chosen then among 100 crore people of INDIA so there are 100 crores of expectations are around them. But expectations when cross the limit than all things are going in wrong direction. Like when you are expecting something than you should aware with the capacity of the person from whom you are expecting something. We all are here on the world to share similarities and accept dissimilarities.You can just wish something but you can’t expect anything from any one because expectations are like sentences written on SEA-SHORE, waves of less capacity and pressure will wash them away before one will read them properly...So always respect your limitations and try to improvise your level of expectations...That’s it...

"FIRST"-A great teacher

In our life we always try to prove our self better than other. We always try to do something different something new. But good or bad, a thing always teach us something for sure. And the first experience of something new and different.Seriously when we are trying something for very first time wise or otherwise we will face some difficulties for sure. You will find it difficult; you will find your self so dumb, low and helpless when you are facing something for first time.Like first word which we have spoken from our mouth first time when teacher was teaching us ABCD, first day of our school, first exam, and first injection.A small boy when going to school for very first time he might be feeling the same situation as girl after her marriage feels. I remember when I was a child I was feeling very much scared when some one with heavy beard trying to play with me. Because that was the first time I was facing that.A debut match for a sport person. First love, first kisses, first date, first hug everything when you are doing for first time, you will face some difficulty.So this word “first” is very much important in our life whether human or animal. First child, first job everything related to it.I remember when I have posted my first poem I was so scared and was thinking that will it work...Sabko pasand aayegi yaah nahi and all.I have written on this top[ic for very first time and so I am scared. So always face any situation in your life as you are facing it for first time because the thing at the first time will teach you a lot and life is a bunch of exam papers.That’s it.


On this earth we all are have our different thinking and different is our way of living. Sometimes in past or in present we have found our self partial or biased.People generally are not satisfied with their present. We always compare our wishes with the reality and wishing more and more than what we have.But I have found variations in dreams and it varies with age difference. When we are not so matured we always wish high because at that age we are not matured enough face the reality. When I was a child I was wishing for airoplane, moon, god and many things which are not possible to get at the age of mine. But day by day I was becoming matured and criteria of my wishes were also becoming matured.But once I went to age’s house and I realised one thing that their wishes match with those which I was wishing in my child hood. So again a circle of life is the case. From child hood to the last breath your wishes will become matured and again you will start wishing those things from where you have started.Seriously such things are teaching us one thing. In our life though we are full of maturity and awarded with the reality but mindedness is not in our hand. So try to wish high as life should be full with challenges and wish high is also a challenge after I realized such things...That’s it

The word-"EXPIRY"

In my life I have found so many people who are so much conscious about the expiries...One will go to medical shop and first he will check expiry date...Almost all the direction of business is covered by such things. But I am so disturbed by this word “EXPIRY”. Why and from where this word has came.And one more thing we humans are also alive with the expiry dates. Value has expiry too. An old calander without any new future is no longer valuable so we all are covered with a boundary. But do we know our expiry date. When we will be useless?This issue is really requires attention. Because we don’t know how to react and respect. We all are selfish creatures on this land. Can you imagine what will happen if you will know the expiry date of yours?Nothing is static on this life and not completely dynamic, one cycle has been set by god and we all are follower wise or otherwise. So we should respect our values and so other’s too. Do one thing have a look on the wall and you will find numbers of things which are there for long time but you did not notice about the thing, but ya in the past the thing was your basic need for sure but not its expired...But one day will come when you will be expired and god will not care to look at you for once because life is a milestone of circle and we will lose the game if we will not walk with the time...That’s it...


Some months back I met with my friend after along time, but one thing I have observed was the change in his attitude and his way of thinking was changed too. Several times you have noticed that your face is changed totally and when you will compare your photographs than you will say ah, that’s me?Sometimes we failed to identify someone in photograph, but its natural changes but what about the changes with are made by humans. For money, for love, for hope people I have found with changes. One of my friends was so innocent when we both were together in school life but after few years she had changed totally.Me, you, we all are following the same trand.Recently I went through an article related to Mrs.ASHWARIYA RAI BACHHAN and her roommate. They both were together for 2 complete years but when after 7 years she went to ASH,but she was shocked by ASH’s behaviour.ASH did not say even hi or hello.So I wanted to tell you is human nature is statically dynamic and it changes with the thinking not with time. One day will come when orkut will change but time will not and may be my way of thinking would change and will say this anonymous is out of track as thought has its own tongue.That’s it...
Sunday, February 10, 2008 2 comments

A salute to the word "WOMAN"

Friends in this section I have used some words which are not acceptable in this community but please forgive for this, I am sorry if anyone hurt with this...

Really sometimes I feel that we all are same and we all have same rules and thoughts to live our life. And god has made us so equal. But no I have found myself totally wrong when I have seen the movie “LAJJA”...A movie is not the matter or not my inspiration...A woman with different shades...Mother, sister, wife etc, etc....every face of life and she has an ability to perform all kind a roles...A girl who really don’t know much about a person and how can she decide to live with him for lifetime. It a magic or internal power or sacrifice whatever you can say...Pain during pregnancy a mother only can understand...A cow I have seen near my home was suffering from extreme pain but she was happily crying and a gift she got from the god was also a female...Definition of love you can learn from a mother only. A prostitute is the worst word on this earth used for a woman but I salute such women. For her family, for her children, for her husband she is doing such things. You will find someone to contribute his money or things for his family but how can one sell his respect for his family.ah, height of dedication. She is most respectable person for me.

Revised reck'lessness!!

This world is based on three main things.
1> Water
2> Wind
3> Brain
We all are leaving on the same land with different minds and way of thinking. Sometimes we feel that a person is doing lots of mistakes and the thing he is doing is totally wrong. We are trying to resist him because the way of thinking. When I was a child my mother was shouting at me for small mistakes and I thought ah, why should I? At that time I was feeling so much low but after 2 dacedes I have found people around me who are repeating the same mistakes which I have made in my past.Means the things are in a circle. Your past may match someone’s present or your present will become some ones future. Play will remain same only the performer will be change.I am very much thanking full to my past for teaching me all those lessons and my future will be thankful to my present for the same reason.But,Does the word perfection exist?I have some people around me who are advising his/her friends for small small things but the same mistakes I have found in their life.

Even me sometimes doing the same thing. But the is right or wrong.If someone has found a boy with 10 bad habits and some other person has found the same boy with 10 great qualities...than what is reality? Is that boy really bad or good?I think we can’t decide because way of thinking are diffent.Sometimes we are saying ah,what a person he is ... and the same time some other person may have different way of thinking for the same person...So this is the case of two sided coin...No matter any side-one party is always a winner...bad and good both are attached with a sound bond so we can feel the different but it’s virtual rather than real...That’s it...

Idea is not cleared!!!

When I was a new bee in the field of poetry gained lots of critics and praising too...Many of my friends replied only a one sentence “I CAN FEEL THE DEPTH” or “IT WAS A FABULOUS POEM”...But is it true...Can anyone feel the same pain a poet himself can feel?When a poet grip a pen in his hand he will put himself in the picture which is running in his mind...Rain, tears, pain, fear, in each and every situations a poet has to suffer not physically but mentally...Reader will read the poem, he/she can feel the greatness of poet by observing the use of words but he/she cannot be able to gain the exact idea behind the theme...When someone is penning something the idea is different but when someone will read it the he will understand the theme as per his thinking....She/he will think that the idea he/she understood is rightly right...But not the case every time...So I want to say that no one can gain the same depth a poet can get in his/her particular thought...You can read it u can understand the theme but you can’t reach at extreme depth...I can’t say my thinking is right but no one can reach at the same depth in this particular thought which I have secured...That’s it.....